Loree Ovens
Contemplate, 2023. Acrylic, ink, and konnyaku on Kozo, on wood panel. Stems of rolled Kozo (handmade Japanese paper) are coloured with gold and pearlescent acrylic. Behind them, the surface of the wood panel is painted a vivid red. The sides of the panel are stained grey.
30" H x 20" W x 1.5" D.
I feel that we generally all want the same things: good health, happiness and prosperity. Contemplate is loosely based upon the idea of a blessing or prayer scroll to remind us to take a moment to reflect, to slow down from the day-to-day busyness of our lives.
This piece was created based upon two self-imposed challenges. I wanted to explore working with washi sculpturally and in a modular format. I created simple forms that could be replicated/repeated similar to patterns in my other work. I am looking forward to seeing where these pieces take me.