Ai Weiwei will receive the Adrienne Clarkson Prize for Global Citizenship this year. The award was designed Anna Williams at the request of Adrienne Clarkson, who has graciously invited Anna to be present on stage for the presentation September 27 in Toronto (adrienne-clarkson-prize-for-global-citizenship).
“Adrienne Clarkson asked me to create the medal for the Prize for Global Citizenship. I had the idea of bringing together the world of creation with that of the great mythological winged deities. Sedna is the Inuit goddess from whom all creatures of the sea spring. Atalanta, Nike, Lilith and the winged bearers of souls in Norse lore, the Valkyrie, each exist in an imperfect world. But through their strength, intelligence, independence, and compassion, they have created an iconography of champions and dissenters. Each in their own way is unyielding and stands apart as they chart a new course against buffeting waves. In the narrative of this medal, Sedna the creator emerges from the waves to pass a vulnerable world to the outstretched arms of our winged guardian.” Sculptor, Anna Williams.